Disclaimer - Please Note:
Readers are advised that
these articles and stories are written solely for
informational and educational purposes and are not to be construed
as an offer to buy or sell
Securities. We cannot give you Investment Advice.
We do not recommend particular Stocks, Options,
Index's, Funds or any other security of any kind. If particular
Securities are mentioned,
they are mentioned only for illustrative and educational purposes.
Our goal is to teach you how to
identify and trade trends for yourself so giving trading advice would be
contrary to this principle.
You must
back test everything you learn here to satisfy yourself that it works in the
Stocks or other markets you intend trading. We specifically do not guarantee that
you will make any money by implementing these trading and investing strategies.
This information is intended to provide you
with basic financial and educational instruction regarding your personal
investing and financial welfare.
The opinions and analysis included herein are
based on sources believed to be reliable and are written in good faith, but no
representation or warranty, expressed or implied is made as to their accuracy,
completeness or correctness.
The people in these
stories are all fictitious and the trades mentioned are
all hypothetical.
Readers are urged to consult with their own independent financial advisors with
respect to any investment. All information contained on this website or in our Newsletter should be
independently verified.
Trading involves the risk of serious,
potentially catastrophic financial loss as
well as the potential for profits.
Please read our Full
Risk Disclosure Statement for further information.