Options Trading

Options trading canincrease the profits you make when trading Stocks if youunderstand how to use them and know what you are doing.Options can be a very useful tool that the average investor can use to enhance their returns.

This article - OptionsTrading Basics, looks at what options are anddiscusses some of the options trading strategies traderscan use with these versatile instruments.

Options- An Overview

Options give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy(a call option) or sell (a put option) the underlying Stockor futures contract at a specified price up until a specified date.

In other words, options arelike tradable insurance contracts.

An investor can purchase a Put option as insurance against a decline in the Stock price or aCall option in case the Stock rises. Buying an optiongives the purchaser time to decide whether they will buyor sell the underlying Stock. The price is locked in untilthe expiry date, which in the case of LEAPS can be yearsinto the future.

Options trading has several advantages that every Stock Market investor should be aware of, such as high leverage, lower overall risk than owning the physical security, more versatility and the ability to generate extraincome from a current Stock portfolio.

An option's value fluctuates in direct relationship to the underlying security. The price of the option is only a fraction of the price of the security and therefore provides high leverage and lowerrisk - the most an option buyer can lose is the premium,or deposit, they paid on entering into the contract.

By purchasing theunderlying Stock of Futures contract itself, a much largerloss is possible if the price moves against the buyersposition.

An option is described by its symbol, whether it’s a put or a call, an expiration month and a strike price.

A Call option is a bullish contract, giving the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying security at a certain price on or before a certain date.

A Put option is a bearish contract, giving the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying security at a certain price on or before a certain date.

The expiration month is the month the option contract expires.

The strike price is the price that the buyer can either buy (call) or sell (put) the underlying security by the expiration date.

The premium is the price that is paid for the option.

The intrinsic value is the difference between the current price of the underlying security and the strike price of the option.

The time value is the difference between current premium of the option and the intrinsic value. The time value is also influenced by the volatility of the underlying security.

Up to 90% of all out of the money options expire worthless and their time value gradually declines until their expiry date.

This clue offers traders a very good hint as to which sideof an options contract they should be on...professionaloptions traders who make consistent profits usually sellfar more options than they buy.

The option contracts thatthey do buy are usually only to hedge their physicalStock Portfolios - that this is a powerfuldistinction between the punters and small traders whoconsistently buy low priced, out of the money and close toexpiry puts and calls, hoping for a bigpayoff (unlikely) and the guys who really make the money outof the options market every month, by consistently sellingthese options to them - please think about this as youread the remainder of this article.

The seller of the option contract is obligated to satisfy the contract if the buyer decides to exercise the option.

Therefore, if he has sold CoveredCall options over his Shares, and the Stock price isabove the option strike price at expiry, the option is saidto be in-the-money, and the seller must sell his shares tothe option buyer at the strike price if he is exercised.

Sometimes an in-the-moneyoption will not be exercised, but it is very rare. The optionseller (or writer) has to be prepared to sell the Stock atthe strike price if exercised.

He can always buy back theoption prior to expiry if he chooses to and write one at ahigher strike price if the Stock price has rallied, but thisresults in a capital loss as he will usually have to paymore to buy the option back than the premium he receivedwhen he originally sold it.

Many option writers simply get exercised out ofthe Stock and then immediatelyre-buy more of the same or another Stock and simply writemore call options against them.

The buyer of an option has no obligationsat all - he either sells his option later at a profit or aloss, or exercises it if the Stock price is in-the-money atexpiry and he can make a profit.

The vast majority ofoptions are held until expiry and simply decay in priceuntil there is no point in the hapless buyer selling them. Very few options are actually exercised by the buyer. The vast majority expire worthless.

Having said all this, letslook at an example of how to use options to gain leverage toa Stock price movement when the trend does goin our favour...

For this example we will useMSFT as the underlying security.Let's assume MSFT is trading for$24.50 a share and it is early January. We are bullish on this Stock and based on our technical analysis we think that it will go to $27.50 within two months.

In this example, we willignore Brokerage costs, but they do have aneffect on the percentage returns. The prices and pricemoves of the Stock and the options are hypothetical - theyare intended as a guide only.

Buying 1000physical shares will cost $24,500 and if we sell our position at$27.50 a share, we will make a profit of $3,000 or a 12% return on ourcapital. We will have $24,500 at risk if we take this position for a potential of12% or $3,000 profit.

Instead of using cash to buy the physical Stock, we can buy 10 call options with an expiration that is at least three months into the future and a strike price that is close to current price of the underlying security.

10 contracts represents1000 shares of the stock, a call option is bullish, three months until expiry gives us some time for a quick move, and buying an option with a strike price that is close to the current price ofMSFT allows us to get the full potential of the intrinsic value.

We buy 10 MSFT $22.50 April Calloptions. These options are currently selling for $2.80 andthey are in the money.

$24.50(the current price of the Stock) minus $22.50 ( the strike price) is$2.00, which is our Intrinsic value. $2.80 (theoption premium) minus $2.00 (the Intrinsic value) gives us$0.80, which is the Time value.

If the price rallies to $27.50, as we believe it will, the intrinsic value ofthese same options at that point will be $5.00 ($27.50 - $22.50). That means that ifthe Stock gets to $27.50 a share, our option premium would be at least$5.00 plus a small amount of time value, depending on the remaining time until expiry.

Ten option contracts will cost us $2,800 ($280 times 100) and ifMSFT goes to $27,500, we could sell our option contracts for at least$5,000 ($500 by 10 contracts), maybe more.

We will have$2,800 at risk if we take this position, rather than thefull price of the Stock ($24,500) for a potential of 80% or$2,200 profit, plus whatever time value is left in theoption, probably another $100.

Our options buying strategy gave us a much larger percentage profit with a much smaller potential risk. Don't forget though that,for us as the buyer, these options will expire worthless if not sold or exercised by the expiry date.

The option seller or writersimply has to sit back and wait until expiry to see if he isgoing to be exercised. If the Stock price is below thestrike price at expiry, he keeps the premium and can writeanother option over the same Stock.

If the Stock price is abovethe strike price, he will most likely be exercised andwill have to sell hisShares if he doesn't exit the position by buying his optionsback on the open market (quite often at a higher price than heoriginally sold them for).

The downside of buying the option over the physical Stock isthat if you bought the Stock itself, even if the price had notmoved, you would still own it, but by buying the option, ifthe price doesn't move in the desired direction, you losepart of your trading capital.

To make options trading work, the underlying security must move fairly quickly in the direction you expect, or you will lose money at an ever increasing rate as the expiry date draws nearer.

As you can see, options strategies can offer much higher percentage returns with less risk for the same trade. The majority of your cash is still safely in your trading account rather than being exposed to the market.

This is just one example of using options trading to increase your Stock Market returns. There are many more strategies and ways to use options and I encourage you to explore them further.

All options expire worthless if they are not in-the-money atexpiry, so the buyer must close out or exercise his positionon or before the expiration date orhe will lose the entire premium.

The time value portion of the option premium decreases gradually until expiration date. The closer to expiry, the faster the time value reduces, as there is less time for the option to move in the desired direction for the buyer.

For buyers, top tradersadvise never to hold an option with less than 30 days toexpiry due to the exponential rise in time decay duringthis period.

For sellers, it is usuallymost profitable towrite options that have 30 days or less to expiry,due to this same time decay effect...the buyer of theseoptions has the odds stacked against them and will require alarge price movement in his desired direction to make aprofit - remember, the vastmajority of options expire worthless - so this is the sideof these instruments the wealthy usually find themselves on- just a thought...

There are many other intricacies of options trading that investors and traders should be aware of. This article is only an introduction to options trading and there is a lot more informationfor you to learn.

For a more in-depth look atthe various Options strategies available, visit Optionvueresearch.com.

This page has a series of articles on options trading andoutlines some of the strategies traders can use to profit from theseextremely flexible vehicles.

We encourage you to studythese instruments carefully if you decide to trade them.Then use the trend  trading strategies outlined inthese stories and articles to position yourself on the right side of themarket - whether as a buyer or a seller.

We wish you well in yourtrading,


The StockTrading Review Team

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